Wednesday, July 16, 2008

story bout lil' aina

Dear all,
wussup everyone?
lame gk aku dh xmerepek kt blog ni cket la pn curik2 mase jep lyn blog nih..
arini aku nk btaw 1 dunia yg aku gumbira sgt2 sbb dpt ank buah..this is the 1st time my femly de baby..and this is the 1st ank buah die Nur Aina Najwa..nme tu anyah and abg ipar aku yg bg..mksd die pn sedap di dengar..aku xsbr nk jmpe die wiken nih..she is so cute and adorable..ske tido jep..menurut anyah aku klu bedung die xsmpi 10 minit tangan die dh kua..hehe..akak aku ckp ayah aku tersgt la excited dgn kehadiran aina nih..ktorg 1 femly mmg sgt gumbira dgn kehadiran die..aku tgh dok pk2 nk bli ape tuk aina..aku blk kg sok petang after work..blk ngn akak aku la cm bese..hehe xsbr nyer nk jmpe baby aina..
tatap lah gmbr baby aina yg so cute..(^_^)
aina - day 1 aina - tido

aina - day 2 aina - aksi die tido

aina - day 3 aina & uncle akim

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Noks

hi guyz!!

today im gonna talk about my noks..i love them very much..they're frenz dat cud never be replaced.. fendy is my x-classmat at TiPD..we've been very close since school till now..while apat is fendy's ofismate and we've met several times till we've become good frenz..they're such a good frenz..we went out thousand times n my BF doesnt even know..haha..jahat aku's not dat im cheating him it juz dat he'll mad at me if i always hangout wit my noks..we juz hangout and have dinner..bkn aku pg menggatal ngn diorg nih..xde mkne nyer ok..
last 2 wiks ktorg g mandi-manda kt Sg Gabai..besh gler mndi2 ngn diorg..t'sgt la happening..cume air kt c2 not so ok n x crystal clear..ktorg mmg ni mmg camera-freak so mmg asik bergmbr jep la's so made my day..
pasni plan nk g ulu yam n diorg nk bwk tent n portable stove..nt le men msk2..huhu..cant hardly wait la noks..;D
mlm in nk g swim2 kt kondo mmbe apat..bajet sume nk kuruskan bdn la tu yg nk g swimming..hehe..mak pn nk kurus jgk nyeh..:P
our latest event nk hangout is this sunday..nk pg kenduri pejai kt sbn..
pg wit the noks n it's gonna be fun and lot of laughs..LOL


Good-day everyone!!

hi guyz..wussup??
actually i aint a newbie in blogging, the thing is aku slalu luper password blog aku bnyk kali kne wt baru n hopefully this wud be the last one..for starting xtaw nk citer ape tp as i start nt ade la citer2 yg le dikongsi ngn korg k.
so i start wit last nite..ermm last nite me n my noks which are fendy n apat g midvel caek wedding gift tuk kwn ktorg..this sunday nk g kenduri kwen die n ade reunion TiPD skali..cant hardly wait nk jmpe our x-schoolmate..msti happening kn..digicam harusla bwk kn nk snap2 ngn diorg nt..huhu..
this wik kje kt opis xbnyk so so jep..bos mgu ni xmsok lgsg n bos g sorg g MYNIC Seminar ngn ofismate aku mmg enjoy la sorg2 kt opis ni kn..huhu..smlm dh lyn Sindarela n gossip girl..jap g nk smbg lyn gossip girl..
aku ske gler citer GG ni bout Manhattan's elite..huhu..basically it's about teenagers kt sne la..bju n rambot diorg cantek2..mak ske nyeh..=P
season 1 smpi ep 18 jep..aku tgh tngu ep18 kua astu le donlod n tonton..cant wait!!
i reli adore Blair&Serena's friendship..they are like sisters..
and i miss my buddy damn much..dh lme xjmpe die since aku dh kje..
my buddy duk kt bkt jelutong n mse aku still study kt uitm s.a dlu slalu la jmpe then skg ni dh lme xjmpe..babe i miss u..wuu..
guess dunno wut else to write so i shall stop here..till we meet again yaw..
